Friday, March 21, 2008

Forever Angel

I have a forever Angel and he/she is keeping me safe. Like I try to get a frostbite but then I won’t get any, I try to get a bruise but then I won’t get any. But then most of the time I get some but they won’t turn out dark they will turn out kind of light. I don’t think I ever got frostbite before, and now I try to get sick but then it doesn’t work then I stopped trying to and everything is okay.
Who needs these things anyway, the frostbite must hurt because my cousin got one and she said it hurt and the bruise I know how that feels. I am really glad my forever Angel is watching over me, how will I ever live with out my Angel or is it called Guardian Angel, I don’t know but all I know is that she/he is watching over me, just hope you have one too because it feels good to be watched over I guess.
You know when I was a little girl like about 8 or 9 and when my uncle and his friend came to visit my sister my uncle was young almost like a teenager yea I’ll say that. Well anyways when he came, I was jumping on the bed and he was standing up then I was going to let him back pack me but then he sat on the bed and I flew off and landed on the floor. That was like couple feet high I think then I started laughing because it didn’t hurt or anything then my uncle’s friend started laughing too because I didn’t cry or something like that.
Like this is more like a poem and a story at the same time but hey I’m trying so yea I guess I lost my touch or something just kidding. Well yea, did you guys ever alunruq before? I did but not that much I don’t know why so yea, maybe 4-5 time can’t remember cause I don’t keep count, sike. Well yea have nothing much to say later.

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