Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Weekend's Home Game

We might have home game, depending on when the body goes to Napaskiak. But I'm hoping that we will have home game because I got better kind of, not a whole lot though. I am also getting very addicted to playing ball.
Two year ago when I joined ball, I didn't know what I was doing so I didn't join the next year. When I finally knew what to do or most of the time knew what to do I joined again and I am starting to like it. :D
Back to home game.....I'm pretty nervous of playing at home game. Might start freaking out when I get on the gym. I didn't play in front of Napaskiak in a long time. Well I have nothing else to say, so I will stop right here.

1 comment:

Erin said... did it go? Was it super duper awesome?