Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lost and Found

I was lost somewhere being followed
by someone. Who knows what it is, might
be my shadow, might be the spirits,
what would it be. What kind of thing
would chase me out of this village,
What can it be?
Going anywhere, I don't even know the
woods that much. What will stop the
thing from chasing me. What can i do?
I think i need help.
You know what that thing was?
There i am found at last, you can stop
running now.


Bunna said...

hey sister, damn man i like this poem made me smile at the end of the meaning but wanted to laugh but got to make no noise. her is a poem sis.
Mind Twisted
Ladders there
Stair there
Where am I going
I lost my train of thoughts
Wondering around
Thinking of words
My mind
Lost but can't be Found

love sister

Kwilliamz said...

This is a really tight poem. how did you come up with this poem. well being bored so just commenting you.