Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another School Year

Well, we have started school August 16, 2010 and this year is my last year of school. I can't wait to graduate, I'm so close. But I'm going to college after I graduate and I am thinking of having college at Fairbanks. Well anyways, school is going great but the classes are a bit boring at this moment.
The classes I am taking are Math, Writing, Reading, Yup'ik Language, Ecology, and Robotics. But next semester we are going to be taking different classes and I'm not sure what they are. I am still going for all of the sports that we have like cross country, N.Y.O, and basketball. Some of the activities we are going to do are Speech, Battle of the Books, AASG, and couple other ones I don't know of right now.
So far right now or this month we are practice running for cross country and I am trying my best because it is going to be my last year attending it. I am surely truly going to join N.Y.O because it is my favorite sport in the whole wild world. My second favorite sport is basketball and I would like to do my best at that one too. I know I do my best at N.Y.O because you know why, it's my favorite.
Well I guess that is it for today, and I will try to post events on my blog during this school year. I am proud to be a senior in high school. Good-Bye.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am sooo proud of you! I hope I can come down and see you graduate. Please let me know if you EVER need anything. I will be down next week to see everyone.