Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Visited this past summer of 08

This summer my family, including my gram and my aunt from my dads side went to visit Kasligluk. It was really fun and the longest visit we ever visited to another place. I thought we wouldn't visit anywhere during the summer but i guess i was wrong. It was fun anyways, get to see our Ilaqs and friends, it was so awesome but really hot. Hung out with friends and all that, played ball and went four wheel riding It was so much fun that i wanted to stay there. I wanted to stay there until school started or something like that but then at the same time i didn't want to.

I finally got to see my name sakes mom and sisters and we also get to walk around the village and see some of our friends that lived there. But it was really hot and i was using all black i think. I even got to see the people that went to Talent Search and it was really weird to see then again and like it was really embarrassing but then some of them didn't recognized me until they saw my sweater i used during Talent Search. It was really funny and yea.

I want to go back to Kasigluk i had so much fun over there but when all the fun ends you just hate to go home don't you. I know how you feel, i think, if not then I don't know. Oh yea we even played naught it with couple kids from over there, it was very spectacular. Then when we got bored me and Bunna went for a walk and Our friend Gabby took us for a four wheeler ride it was awesome, then a couple people went for a four wheel ride when we went to a pond or something like that.

My sister dared me to wave at that one guy that i knew from Talent Search but then i didn't want to because i was very taqarnaq i think thats how u spell it. But when we were done riding around we played naught it again and this time we stopped and chatted for a little bit and yea. It was really awesome when we went riding, but then we went the other way where the four wheels weren't going. Gabby said that maybe they will be thinking why are we going the opposite direction or something like that.

Well after my mom, dad, my gram, and my auntie were done visiting we went home and i didn't want to leave i don't know about the rest of my brothers and sisters, maybe they didn't want to leave too. I guess thats it for the day, Peace have a good day.

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